Hi, my name is Dave Kobrin
Full Stack Software Engineer.

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About Me

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I’m a life-long hobbyist software developer (started coding at age 6) with 2+ years of professional experience with C/C++. Currently specializing in JavaScript/TypeScript and Python, I enjoy learning new skills, languages and methodologies, and do so quickly. After the COVID-19 lockdowns, I completed a Software Engineering bootcamp from General Assembly to reinforce modern web development technologies and transition from a career in automotive maintenance to software engineering.

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Guiding Guardians

GA Summer Hackathon "AI for Good"

Voted "Crowd Favorite," Guiding Guardians aims to solve the pain point of parents and guardians trying to help their children with their schoolwork by providing an easy and directed AI chat interface with a targeted tone.

Built by a cross-functional team of 3 UX/UI designers and 3 engineers over 5 days, this application utilizes OpenAI's API for Chat-GPT 3.5 and the Jamstack architecture.

My contributions included: Building the API Layer in Next to keep our OpenAI API key out of the client code and prototyping the API functionality in the client code.

Technology: Next, TypeScript, OpenAI API, and Tailwind.


Agile Product Development Program

Thriver is a job seeker's organizational and motivational tool. It has a place to store job posts that you are interested in or have applied to, a to do list to help keep you on track, and even an area to post resumes and cover letters for other users to give feedback on.

It is a full MERN stack web application created during a six week program by a cross-functional team including 3 UX/UI designers and 4 engineers.

My contributions included: Data Modeling, Backend API development, and User Authorization.

Technology: MongoDB, Express, React, Node, Auth0, and MaterialUI.

Extreme Breakout

Extreme Breakout is my own take on the classic break-out by Atari. I added an enemy, power-ups, and an unlimited progressive difficulty. I also included a persistent high scores list with the data saved in the browser's local storage.

Technology: Object Oriented Design, Vanilla JavaScript, HTML5 Canvas, Css, and Local Storage.

Caravan MERN

Caravan is a card game played within the game Fallout New Vegas by Bethesda Softworks. I was the Lead Developer on this as the initial development of this game was done with another engineer as a class project.

This web version of the game is built with the MERN stack. The user and card data is held in a MongoDB database, served up by a RESTful API with Express, and consumed by the client React application.

My contributions included: Data Modeling, Backend API development, the DoubleCardSlider component, Drag and Drop, and Game Logic.

Technology: MongoDB, Express, React, Node, RESTful Routing, Bcrypt, and Context.

Kayla Cares for Kids

Kayla Cares for Kids is a non-profit organization supplying books, games, and toys to children coping with long stays in hospitals and rehab centers. They contracted me to build a web application for tracking inventory, donations, donors, and shipments.

I modeled the data in a relational PostgreSQL database, connected to it with a REST API built in Python and the Flask framework, and built the frontend in React. The whole system is secured with OAuth 2.0 user authorization and Role Based Access Control powered by Auth0.

Technology: PostgreSQL, Flask, React, Auth0, upcitemdb API, and Bootstrap.

iLib - Again

iLib - Again helps to solve the problem of knowing what you have and where you keep it by allowing each individual user to keep track of their own personal media library(books, movies, games, etc.)

This project was built with MongoDB, Express, and the EJS templating library. I also added a UPC lookup through upcitemdb to populate dropdowns for easier input of items, and I included filter options processed via JavaScript functions embedded in the template files.

Technology: MongoDB, Express, Node, RESTful Routing, upcitemdb API, and EJS.

Fuel Economy and Service Tracker

Fuel Economy and Service Tracker is a stand alone Java application that I built to keep track of my fuel and auto maintenance expenses. Users can add multiple vehicles to their garage, and track when and where services were performed and how much they paid. In addition users can track fuel costs and efficiency over time.

This project includes an embedded or network accessible relational database for persistent data and a user interface built with JavaFX.

Technology: Java14, Derby, JavaFX, JDBC, and SQL.


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